Introduce yourself and say "Hello"

Join Our Facebook Group and like its page from these links

GroupLink :

Page Link :

Linkedin Group:
In this course you can use the our facebook group as discussion forums to get to know your classmates, ask questions, and get help. Here are a few key things to remember when contributing to discussions throughout the course:

  • Introduce yourself - who you are and where you come from - and why you are taking this course
  • Respond to one other person by commenting on their post with an encouraging word or two!
  • Before posting a new question, search for keywords to see if someone has already asked the the same question.
  • Use descriptive titles in your posts. In the posts: write in complete sentences, avoid typing in ALL CAPS, and try to avoid all symbols, abbreviations, or shorthand. If you must use these, please explain them for your fellow learners.
  • Be polite, considerate and generous when posting in discussions. Please treat others as you would like to be treated.